Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The great week off.....

A very long week at home recovering from a minor surgery with two kids...boy was it a LONG one!! But a great week that ill never forget.  My mom came to help me with the girls. I know I'm crazy I could have taken them to school but I really think they needed a little vaca too;-).  I had to let a few things go which for me was very hard...and I learned a few things during this week as well..

These pics are as "REAL LIFE" as it gets....

The girls just played and played and played some more....
Photobucketdress up...
Polly pockets...Photobucket
more play...
Photobucketthe girls hair was so neglected.. which being a hair dresser this was VERY hard to deal with...PhotobucketPhotobuckettheir clothes didn't match all week...Photobucket
I learned that my mom is my BEST FRIEND, well let me rephrase that, I didn't just learn that I was just reminded of that...
don't judge the pic... we never got dressed for the day either:-/
we got a new dog named Jet. Hes an Aussie and super cute with LOTS of puppy like behavior...lol.  And gorgeous BLUE EYES....
I learned this is so true when staying home...Photobucketdaddy was a savior every evening when coming home from work♥♥PhotobucketMy sweet neice Baby J.... all the girls with Nanny!♥♥
I learned that even though I enjoyed my LONG week off, I VERY much enjoy my over scheduled life.  I enjoy my overbooked days at the salon.  My over scheduled days off with my girls!  And my great weekends with my hubs and family.  I thrive on routine, and I'm glad to get back into the swing of things.  A special note to my mom:
I love you so much and don't know what I would do with out cha ♥kiss kiss♥

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