Sunday, February 12, 2012

my sweet girls...

A random FUN session with my girls! PERFECT weather with an overcast in February. I couldn't have asked for better!
The hardest thing about photography is finding "your style". After I guess about three years now I can say I finally found mine.  I love bright bold colors in pictures but I love vintage creamy skin tones.  This was a struggle for me cause when I first started I over color popped everything which left skin very orange and yellow so then I went to the vintage side of things and I loved the skin tones I got from it but I disliked how everything around the subject was so muted.  So here I can say I found my way.... FINALLY! My pictures reflect me you just have to look alittle deeper into it....bright and bold and boring and dull all wrapped into one... That's me!!
Here's a sample of what a caught that day...In my eyes there is nothing more perfect!!


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