Sunday, January 1, 2012

VERY Belated 5 Year pictures .... and wishes..

Dear Eva, You are finally five.  You couldn't wait for this day but I thought it came way to fast. Your are a joy to me and your daddy.  Your personality is so alive, energetic, and sweet.  You shine when you walk into a room because your a sweet soul.  You love Pre-k and I hope that you always set a good example for your friends like you do your sister. Your imagination is so real. And I just hope you always remember who you are and who loves you most♥♥PhotobucketSisterly love♥Photobucketsassy, energetic,imaginative,lovely♥Photobucketbeauty..PhotobucketlovePhotobucketsilliness...PhotobucketPhotobucket

1 comment:

  1. Your photos are STUNNING! And gorgeous children!
