These pics are as "REAL LIFE" as it gets....
The girls just played and played and played some more....
Polly pockets...
more play...
I learned that my mom is my BEST FRIEND, well let me rephrase that, I didn't just learn that I was just reminded of that...
don't judge the pic... we never got dressed for the day either:-/
we got a new dog named Jet. Hes an Aussie and super cute with LOTS of puppy like And gorgeous BLUE EYES....
I learned this is so true when staying home...
I learned that even though I enjoyed my LONG week off, I VERY much enjoy my over scheduled life. I enjoy my overbooked days at the salon. My over scheduled days off with my girls! And my great weekends with my hubs and family. I thrive on routine, and I'm glad to get back into the swing of things. A special note to my mom:
I love you so much and don't know what I would do with out cha ♥kiss kiss♥