Friday, June 24, 2011

Well this was Evas BIG day! She worked so hard all year for this!

Ok so really this day was a proud mommy moment.  It brought tears to my eyes to see my baby girl get up on that stage with no fear.  I have seen this little baby girl of mine grow so much and mature and become a "kid" so fast this year.  I really think the first year of dance is so special for a little girl whether they continue it later in life or not.  Its just something that every little girl should experience. And I am so glad we stuck this out because surprisingly shes pretty darn good at it.  And we just started summer dance because she just couldn't get enough! Love this girl♥



Signing a card for her teacher Ms Joanna! Thanking her for a great first year!

Definitely a proud daddy moment too!

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