Saturday, June 25, 2011

Our little Gracie Cakes! One year pictures!!

Oh how proud I am to be the mommy to this sweet little girl! She has been a joy to have in our family.  Its been such a smooth transition going from 1 kid to 2 with this little one.  As a baby she hardly ever cried. Slept through the night right from the get go.  Shes just so happy all the time. But you know what they say easy baby terrible toddler lol.  We shall far so good!

I really love this little outfit with the Owls.  I think she looks just like an owl with her big eyes and she hoots like one too lol. Which I have come to learn is quite special. My papa past away exactly a year before she was born in fact my due date was his passing date.  Everyone called my papa "Papa Hootie" because of his love for birds!  So it only fits that my sweet baby reminds me of him often!

So Ill close this out with one last thing Happy Birthday SWEET Baby Gracie!!

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥She fills a place in our hearts........a place we never knew was empty...♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥Photobucket

This photo session just really wore her out lol