Saturday, July 28, 2012


YES I Instagram everything!
Here's memorial day weekend...Photobucket PhotobucketEva doing her tricks lol... PhotobucketMy favorite♥ PhotobucketGracie on her birthday morning eating her funfetti pink pancakes! PhotobucketYes I baked... Photobucketsplit jumps Photobucketon to kindergarten.. PhotobucketMe and Donna at the Kenny concert... Photobucketwe were this close!!! Photobucketmy sister, my best friend, my partner in crime.. Photobucketme and the hubbs celebrated 8 years married and celebrated with a day full of fun...including pancakes for breakfast and six flags!! PhotobucketHappy Fathers day!! PhotobucketA new cut for miss Eva.. Photobucketa DIVA in the making.. PhotobucketForth of July! PhotobucketGracie's first sparkler!! Photobucketkiss kiss *squish squish** PhotobucketHawaiian Falls! PhotobucketJadey boos First B-Day PhotobucketPainting fun! Photobucket Date night at the Gaylord/Glass cactus..with my Sexy Man Photobucketthis is what we did for about 3 days straight lol...AWWW Photobucketcheers to the end of our vacation.. Photobucketcousin fun! PhotobucketHawaiian falls with more friends.. Photobucketand a little someone made TEAM♥ boy are we proud! Photobucket

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