Oh Gracie sweet baby....shes beauty inside and out! I loved this little playful session I took in my back yard. It was one of those lovely little mornings we had this week that was a beautiful 75 degrees so it was quite enjoyable! My sweetie is 15 months now walking, talking, throwing fits, and playing so well with her sissy Eva that she adores!! I will have to say I love all ages but this is definitely one of my favorites. The innocents of her not having a care in the world. And hearing all the new words she learns and the new ways she learns to bend and move her body. You can literally watch a child this age and see them learn something new every minute whether its how to work a new toy or how to get into something their not suppose to. Its a very challenging age for mommy and daddy but I'm loving every minute of it!! I just Love her BUNCHES!!

there's my sweet Eva too....with her drop dead gorgeous eyes!

things aren't always peachy....

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