Monday, September 19, 2011

Headed into fall....

So The Cowboys are back at it!  Which means fall is almost here!  This is my most Favorite time of year!  We decided to have a few friends over this past weekend and had so much fun cooking.  We had a Pinterest/ Cowboys party.  It was awesome with all the new variety of foods.  It was nice not to have the same old foods.  Everyone was in charge of bringing one recipe off of Pinterest.  It was all delish!

Lots of fun posts to come with fall festivities ahead!

With a summer wrap up to come too;-)

So here's some pics of some precious cuties sporting their cowboys gear...


Sweet neice J... gettin big!Photobucket
Oh and Eva has stared Gymnastics AGAIN! lol  and Shes loving it!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Gracie leigh 15 months!

Oh Gracie sweet baby....shes beauty inside and out! I loved this little playful session I took in my back yard.  It was one of those lovely little mornings we had this week that was a beautiful 75 degrees so it was quite enjoyable! My sweetie is 15 months now walking, talking, throwing fits, and playing so well with her sissy Eva that she adores!! I will have to say I love all ages but  this is definitely one of my favorites. The innocents of her not having a care in the world.  And hearing all the new words she learns and the new ways she learns to bend and move her body.  You can literally watch a child this age and see them learn something new every  minute whether its how to work a new toy or how to get into something their not suppose to.  Its a very challenging age for mommy and daddy but I'm loving every minute of it!! I just Love her BUNCHES!!

there's my sweet Eva too....with her drop dead gorgeous eyes!
things aren't always peachy....

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

One for One

I adore what this company does....Not only do I LOVE their shoes but I love how when you buy a pair of shoes a pair is given to a child in need. Watch the video link below its pretty touching!
They fit my girls well too!

One For One Movement - A Pair Of New Shoes Is Given To A Child In Need With Every Pair Purchased -