Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Beach cont......

So here's part 2!  Well there are many more but Im done.... we took 600 pics on this trip but I think I have posted the best.  This vacation will always be cherished cause very special memories were made.  This will be the only beach trip that I will be able to say I had a 4 year old and a 1 year old.  We missed Donna and John on this trip but due to her being due a few weeks before the trip it was best she stayed home to be near the Dr. 

I'm glad my girls got to experience the beach and I'm glad they LOVED it.  I'm so happy my Mom and Dad got to go and make more memories at the beach.  I'm sure Eva will always remember just the little things like the early morning walks on the beach with Nanny and Poppy. Enjoy......

There was rock salt eaten.... and kisses given....

and pirate flags posted up.....

kites were flown...
walks with Poppy were taken
Farris wheels were rode...
carnival games were played....
and even more carnival games....
family pictures were taken....
memories were made...
time was cherished.....
and of course sand castles were made ......
LOVED every minute of it!!!

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