Wednesday, September 5, 2012


First day of  Kindergarten! Yes there were a few tears (Mine) none from Eva she was so excited and so brave. She seemed so grown on this day. Its the first step into letting my baby go I know but man do we miss her during the day.. She needed this so bad though she was becoming very bored at home and now that school has started I see her energy being directed differently. Its kinda nice! Me and Grace cant wait till 3:30 everyday to go get sissy! Photobucket Pictures on the second day!! Of course Grace had to wear her backpack too for just a little before school session:-) Photobucket Photobucket Now that its just me and Gracie cakes the house is WAY more quite!! The weather has been great early morning so there has been alot of outside play lately!! Photobucket Photobucket Gracie in her big girl panties and boots:-) I cant believe my girl is Potty trained!! BYE BYE DIAPERS WOW! Time flies when your having fun!! Photobucket

Saturday, July 28, 2012


YES I Instagram everything!
Here's memorial day weekend...Photobucket PhotobucketEva doing her tricks lol... PhotobucketMy favorite♥ PhotobucketGracie on her birthday morning eating her funfetti pink pancakes! PhotobucketYes I baked... Photobucketsplit jumps Photobucketon to kindergarten.. PhotobucketMe and Donna at the Kenny concert... Photobucketwe were this close!!! Photobucketmy sister, my best friend, my partner in crime.. Photobucketme and the hubbs celebrated 8 years married and celebrated with a day full of fun...including pancakes for breakfast and six flags!! PhotobucketHappy Fathers day!! PhotobucketA new cut for miss Eva.. Photobucketa DIVA in the making.. PhotobucketForth of July! PhotobucketGracie's first sparkler!! Photobucketkiss kiss *squish squish** PhotobucketHawaiian Falls! PhotobucketJadey boos First B-Day PhotobucketPainting fun! Photobucket Date night at the Gaylord/Glass cactus..with my Sexy Man Photobucketthis is what we did for about 3 days straight lol...AWWW Photobucketcheers to the end of our vacation.. Photobucketcousin fun! PhotobucketHawaiian falls with more friends.. Photobucketand a little someone made TEAM♥ boy are we proud! Photobucket

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Gaylord/ Great wolf LODGE

We spent our summer vacation not to far from home this year! Two nights at the Gaylord and one at Great Wolf Lodge! We had lots of fun at both its hard to say which one we liked better.  The Gaylord has TONS of stuff for kids now.  I thought it was more of an adult hotel but but they had Shrek characters and a great little water park for the kids. And waitresses to wait on you at the water park lol ( which might have just been my favorite part lol) All though I think you spend more at the Gaylord. Here's some pics...I didn't get a whole lot of pics on this vacation just cause alot of the time I was in the water and I was scared to have my camera down at the water parks....But here's what I was able to capture...ENJOY!

Here's Gracie as soon as we got up to our room at the Gaylord.  At both hotels we were floor 7 so the view was great...
Photobucket we made cookies with princess Fiona....Photobucket curly piggies...Photobucket Photobucketboth the girls loved this... Photobucket PhotobucketThey got crowned princess helpers.... PhotobucketGracie did not like her lol Photobucketheaded to GWL ...Walking in with their babies!! PhotobucketColor time! PhotobucketStory time... PhotobucketThe got to meet Violet the wolf and BOTH of the girls loved her!! Gracie kept wanting hugs from her..and had to learn that it was not her Violet to keep lol PhotobucketEva doesn't stop her gymnastics...EVER. Yes that's her flipping around in the lobby.  At one point she had alittle audience that consisted of about 4 other kids tring to do the same thing lol PhotobucketGracie cakes ready to swim!! I love these floaty things by the way! PhotobucketGracie's favorite slide...The blue one..I lost count on how many times she went down but I'm pretty sure it was around 50 times or so lol.. Photobucketdaddy played too... Photobucketlove that face.. PhotobucketEva climbing the leap pads.. Photobucketand she finished! Photobucketwe finished the trip off with a glitter tattoo.. Photobucket Photobucket
Fun times! Great memories that we will cherish and remember forever!!