Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Busy month of May...I guess thats just summertime for ya!!

Today was a sad day because when I went to make this post I realized that most of my recital pics did not turn out because apparently my external flash was on so they all turned out white..super sad.  But I am so thankful that I got a few good ones of her performance at Mayfest this year! Here's one of them...Photobucket
Curtain call at the recital where she performed "Babyface" PhotobucketShe got flowers from her daddy which I believe maybe her favorite part lol
PhotobucketHer friend from school came to watch them perform and brought flowers for the both of sweet!!
PhotobucketWe went to Joe Ts after to celebrate a job well done... her daddy was super proud♥
PhotobucketThe Barbers joined.. PhotobucketMommy and Gracie♥ Gracie loved the recital!PhotobucketMe and my crazy dancer.. PhotobucketJadey boo... PhotobucketWe got a pool this summer and have used this thing just about every day! PhotobucketMe and hubs! PhotobucketMe and Eva PhotobucketMemorial weekend at the Barbers.. Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Eva got to play hooky from school and enjoy a day at the salon with me while I worked and then we trimmed her up Photobucket
and styled her all pretty..Photobucketwe enjoyed a lunch date at a real tea room...where she said she felt like a"real princess"
Photobucketwe left and got pedis together...
Photobucketzebra stripped nails..
PhotobucketGracie cakes and her owl cup...which shes obsessed
Photobucketand oh my its me lol...I'm NEVER behind the camera......
Rainbow filter...PhotobucketSprinkler fun... PhotobucketGetting ready for a little someones 2nd b-day... Photobucketshes growing up....Way to fast.. Photobucket Photobucketpics from my salon♥ I could never be happier with a job....My passion for hair products.. Photobucket Photobucket Photobucketa Little project for Eva's room...The girls are getting new furniture this summer just because Gracie will be converting into a twin bed probably in June....Its time to say good bye to the crib:( PhotobucketSilly Daddy. PhotobucketBabes chicken Lunch after church......Something about soul food on a Sunday after church...theres nothing like it!! Photobucket

Monday, May 7, 2012

Bluebonnets 2012

Look at all these little cuties!! I loved the yellow flowers/weeds that were out this year.  I guess the mild winter we had and the early rain we had is what brought them here.  Cause they were every where you looked this spring and they made the most adorable pics!! Here's just a few of the many we got!!


Miss Jadeyn Rae♥
Miss Chan Chan♥
And little Max♥

Love those little legs....KISS KISS squish squish*** diaper and all;)